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  • 執筆者の写真totto winery

Totto Winery Harvest Report: Vintage 2022

September 10, 2022


We have been making wine for 6 years.

In 2022 the weather has been quite different from the past ,which has had a variety of positive and negative effects on the vineyard. For the first time, we will report on this year's weather, grape growth, and expectations for wine in our Harvest Report.

1 General view of the grapes

March and April temperatures were colder than usual, and the grape budding was generally delayed. However, the delay allowed the grapes to grow well without any damage from late frosts that often occur in April.

The rate of grape growth increased from mid-May and overall branch management was delayed by warmer than usual weather. In May, there were several days when temperatures exceeded 30℃(※). Rainfall in May (48mm) was also considerably less than last year.

  The dry weather continued until early June, with the rainy season beginning on June 14. Usually, grapes tend to suffer from disease during the rainy season. However, this year's dry weather in June prevented the development of any diseases.

 The low rainfall and long sunshine hours caused a small amount of fruit to crack and get sunburnt, but most of the vines were unaffected.

  From the 2nd to the 4th week of July however, we had a lot of rain and it seemed as if the rainy season had returned. Rain often fell at dawn and dusk, and although the amount was less than last year, it was still above average.

  The above average rainfall rain spread disease to the vineyards, and we had to do pesticide spraying.

Last year pesticide spraying was carried out eight times over the five months from March to July, but in 2022 the number was reduced to seven due to the more convenient weather. We believe this has lowered the load on the soil to some extent.

Our vineyard is within a five-minute walk from the winery. This allows us to manage every grapevine for climate change. We also compile and share data within the company, in order to improve our annual grape cultivation.

  Our flagship varieties, "Yama Blanc" and "Yama Sauvignon," are Japanese mountain grape hybrids that are resistant to the humid climate. Growing these hybrids has helped minimize disease outbreaks.

  In August, we had a series of extremely hot days with temperatures exceeding 35℃. In addition, the San-in region experienced heavy rainfall after the Bon Festival. This could have many effects on grapes just before harvest, such as fruit splitting and sunburn, but as of the time of this report (August 28), there was no major damage and the grapes are still growing well. Wines made from these mature grapes will be more aromatic and have stronger acidity, flavor, and sweetness.

  We are aiming for "healthy grapes with a good balance between acidity and sugar content," and hope to harvest the grapes in autumn.

Average temperature in Tottori City[℃]

Total Precipitation in Tottori City[mm]

2 Overview by Grape Variety

『Yama Blanc』

This variety is a cross between Pinot Noir and the crimson glory vine.

It was developed by the University of Yamanashi for cultivation in Japan's hot and humid summer climate. This variety has characteristics such as no fruit splitting, small berries, and excellent wine quality.

 This year, the grapes grew very well, with no particular damage from the late frosts that occur every year in April. And from April onward, we managed the branches and leaves according to the weather and the growth of the grapes to bring out as much acidity and sweetness as possible.

 Yama Blanc is the flagship grape variety of Totto Winery, and we cannot wait for this year's harvest.

▲Yama Blanc; photographed on August 18

『Yama Sauvignon』

This variety is a cross between the crimson glory vine and Cabernet Sauvignon.

This variety was also developed at the University of Yamanashi for cultivation in Japan's hot and humid summer climate. It has the same characteristics as Yama Blanc, and turns color well even in cloudy Tottori.

 This variety also managed to escape frost damage. The grapes are growing well, with full fruit ripening well. If the harvest continues to go well, production of popular white wines made from Yama Sauvignon is expected to increase.

▲Yama Sauvignon; photographed on August 18

『Our original variety for red wine』

 The first release is scheduled for this winter. Even at this stage, spicy aromas and intense sweetness can be detected from the fruit.

▲Our original variety for red wine; photographed on August 18

『Our original variety for white wine』

 Scheduled for first release this winter. The grape shows flavors of muscat and lychee, and is expected to be a refreshing wine.

This variety was harvested on August 19. The juice showed muscat and lychee-like aromas, strong sweetness and acidity, and the results were as expected. We look forward to future brewing.

▲Our original variety for white wine; photographed on August 18

『Other European and American Varieties』

 In addition to the varieties listed above, we also grow other European and American varieties.

Each variety has a different character, and we are very much looking forward to seeing how they turn out when made into wine.

▲Syrah; photographed on August 18

▲Pinot Noir; photographed on August 18

▲Grenache; photographed on August 18

▲Chardonnay; photographed on August 18

▲Riesling; photographed on August 18

3 References

※The Japan Meteorological Agency





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